Get To Know Me

Yassaman Farmani

Founder, Designer and Metalsmith

As a child growing up in Iran, I had a difficult time focusing in school and it didn’t help that we moved to the United States and I had the language barrier to overcome as well. The good news was that I had always been surrounded by artists. My mother, a poet at heart, both my grandmothers were crafters and designers who sewed and knitted clothes for themselves and their family, and my aunts all incredible fiber artists in their spare time. It was no wonder I found refuge in the arts.

I found myself and my light in creating. I learned knitting from my grandma and sewing from my aunts, and painting from private classes 

I took my first metalsmithing class as an elective for the art education program I was enrolled in and was instantly hooked. There was no going back! I was intrigued by the idea of creating art pieces that are not confined to a specific location and are used by others as a form of self-expression . 

I created personal, political, and conceptual pieces when in school, and when I decided to start the YFarmani wearable art brand I knew I wanted each piece to go beyond the form and have a deeper meaning and purpose. 

I take from my Iranian culture, poetry and wisdom as well as lessons learned in my personal struggle and journey with self-love and try to create pieces that help people feel heard. I want my collectors to connect to the deliberate choice of materials and forms and feel the energy and intention behind them. I want the wearer to feel empowered to embrace themselves as they are and feel at home with themselves and in their hearts.